Thursday, May 5, 2016

Cozy Kitty House That is so Easy to Make

I know that cats like to be warm, but I get overheated easily (all year round), so have to keep the house cool, especially when I'm sleeping.

When I am sleeping with our kitty Zorro, I always cover him with his own blankie, and if he moves, I wake up and re-cover him most of the time.  We turn the heat up (or A/C down) when we leave, but when we are home Zorro is usually on me keeping himself warm.

You know, though, sometimes cats just want to be off by themselves, to get that deep, restorative sleep.  His room always seemed too cold, especially in winter.  My husband sealed up the window (leaving a big viewing hole for Zorro), but it was still chilly.

Then I saw in a magazine how you could make a cozy kitty house out of a box and an old T-shirt.  You just pull the T-shirt over the box and the neck hole of the T-shirt is where the cat goes in and out.  I actually used a mock turtleneck that was our late aunt's.  It wasn't good enough to donate to a thrift store charity because it had stains on it, so it was good to be able to use it for this and not just have to throw it away:

I just wrapped the bottom of the turtleneck and the sleeves underneath and taped it, stuck a nice seat cushion inside and it was ready for Zorro to use.  He loved it right away.  The instructions in the magazine didn't say this, but it is sort of too light and can easily tip over when the cat is going in or out.  So, what I did was tape a heavy book to the top of the kitty house.  It looks crummier now, but it's more stable.  What would be even better would be to put a heavy old book under the cushion or use something else that is flat and heavy underneath.
Zorro really loves his cozy kitty house.  He still likes being near me (even prefers me to the morning sun in his room, most of the time), but sometimes he just really loves to get away, rest, be away from the talking and other noise.  I think it gets really warm and toasty in there from his body heat and he likes it a lot.  It's super-easy to make and doesn't cost anything, so it's worth trying!  I hope you and your cat like it as much as we do if you try it!