Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Cat Massager Brush that is so Excellent

If you have cats, you might want to try this massaging cat brush.  We've had one like this for years, and most of the cats have loved it.  Only one cat didn't like it, but she had issues with even being petted at first, so I really should've tried it again on her a couple of years later, but I didn't think of it.
The reason I'm blogging about it now is that I just tried this yesterday on an older cat we have, and he LOVED it!  I'm sorry now that I didn't try it sooner.  I thought he was too old, achy, arthritic, and bony and it wouldn't be comfortable for him, but I thought of trying it on him yesterday and he went bananas for it.
We got our massager brush years ago at our local Humane Society, so you might find it there or at a pet store, or you can get it here on Amazon -
The one we have doesn't say "zoom groom" on it, but it does have the brand name Kong on it, so the one on Amazon is probably similar to the one we have.  Ours does have that cat shape to it, too, and those rubbery bristles.
The cool thing about the brush is that it feels so good to the cat, but also it really grabs a lot of the hair and you can very easily pull it out of the brush and toss it away.  Let me say, though, that not all the cat hair stays in the brush, so like with any brushing, you don't want to do it on your best furniture, and you will probably need to use a lint roller or something to pick up the stray hairs.  More hairs fly around from this brush than from just regular petting, is what I'm saying.
If you have cat allergies like I do, using this brush might make you feel more congested in the chest, but I've never cared about my cat allergies, and they have lessened through the years (with no medications), just from exposure to cats (like burying my face in the fur on their tummies).  Anyway, it's so worth it to get all of this loose hair out and reduce the hairballs they have to deal with.  Plus, it's like a little kitty spa day for them.  They seem to be so ecstatic when they are brushed with this brush.
Disclaimer - I am in no way affiliated with this company or any other pet product company.  I just wanted to let everyone know about this great product that is currently making one pretty old cat very, very happy.